924 Registry Information Form

Please complete this form to list your car on the 924 Garage and/or to join the PCA 924 Registry. Listing on the 924 Garage is open to everyone. You must be a member of PCA to also be a part of the PCA Register. Your Webmeister (Vaughan) encourages everyone to join PCA. It is the best $42 dollars you could spend each year! The Panorama magazine included more than justifies the cost plus all the other benefits of PCA membership. Check out the PCA site for more information.

We encourage you to submit complete information including the VIN, engine serial number and chassis serial number. They are of interest and use to some enthusiasts to determine exact build specification. They also might serve you in the future should your vehicle be 'misplaced'. The VIN is easy to get and we are now listing by year and VIN

For those amongst us who have selfishly obtained more than one 924; please complete and submit this form once for each car. When you finish be sure to email a picture (jpg please) of your car to the administrator at register@924.org and include model-year and name in the subject or short note to help me re-unite you and your picture. I suggest you keep it under 800x600 pixel size . 

Thanks, Vaughan

Required fields for all: required.gif (158 bytes)  Required fields for PCA Registry inclusion:

VIN required.gif (158 bytes) VIN or chassis number
Engine SN If unable to read then enter 'obscured'
Chassis SN If unable to read then enter 'obscured'
and required.gif (158 bytes)
First name required.gif (158 bytes)
Last name required.gif (158 bytes)
E-mail required.gif (158 bytes)
PCA number
PCA Region
Street address
Address (cont.)
City required.gif (158 bytes)
Zip/Postal code
Country required.gif (158 bytes)

Descriptive text to accompany your entry:


Copyright © 1999 924 Garage. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 14, 2002.